At Dunin-Barkovsky, we use electronic document management. It is much more convenient, faster and cheaper than sending papers.
In a few clicks, we sign and send many documents at once, and our archive is stored electronically.
Dunin-Barkovsky also cooperates with companies that use paper documents. But we recommend that our suppliers also switch to electronic document management, because it is more convenient to make transactions this way.
Advantages of electronic document management
You can quickly sign many documents at once, which greatly speeds up the processes.;
- you do not need to pay for the services of couriers and mail for the delivery of paper documents;
- it is faster and easier to prepare documents for regulatory authorities;
- This is environmentally friendly, because the company uses less paper during electronic document management.
How to switch to electronic document management
- Select an EDI operator. Operators are companies that provide an electronic document exchange system. There is a complete list of operators on the tax website. Please note that they have different prices and technical solutions. When choosing, consult with your manager and tell us what you expect from electronic document management.
- Set up an electronic document management system. The technical support of the EDI operator will help you with this. If you don't have many documents, you can use the web version of the EDI (this means you will work with the documents in your personal account on the EDI operator's website). Large companies integrate the EDI system with a corporate accounting program, for example, with 1C.
- Tell your partners that you use electronic document management and how to send your documents now.
Dunin-Barkovsky exchanges electronic documents with the help of the service provider Tochka JSC
When signing documents, an enhanced qualified electronic signature is used, provided for by Federal Law No. 63-FZ dated 04/06/2011 "On Electronic Signatures" (with all amendments and additions).
Exchange of paper documents with Dunin-Barkovsky
Even when using electronic document management, we sign some documents, such as contracts and their appendices, in the form of paper versions. Our mailing address for sending documents can be found on the "Banking Details" page of the website.
- Courier delivery address: 197720, St. Petersburg, Zelenogorsk, Bronnaya str., 4, lit.And
if the delivery note is not important to you, the courier can leave the documents at the terminal for receiving correspondence at any time.
If you need us to mark the delivery, the courier can come to the reception located at the head office of Dunin-Barkovsky.